Author Archives: weight loss

4 Vital Steps To Rapid Weight Loss

Finding a diet that is safe and that will give you rapid weight loss can be difficult but it is essential if you want to become slimmer, healthier and fitter. There are a few common mistakes that most people make when attempting to lose weight. These mistakes can cause ill health in the long run. No amount of weight loss is worth the risk of ruining your health. So if you want to lose weight and still […]

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4 Essential Tips For Quick Weight Loss

Losing weight is not easy and it sometimes can be expensive, especially if the dieters can not wait to see their self fit, slim and sexy. Everywhere you look quick weight loss diets are being offered as the solution to weight problems. A lot of people put their hope in these programs but end up bitterly disappointed because they didn’t follow a few common sense guidelines. The following essential tips will help you to shed those pounds […]

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Eating For Better Health – Water

Water makes up 70%-75% of our bodies and is of course an essential part of our dietary needs. We can live for up to four weeks without food but no more than three days without water. It forms the bulk of blood and tissue fluid, meaning that it’s essential for transporting nutrients, hormones and waste product throughout our bodies. Our brains are made up of 95% water, blood is 82% water and our lungs, 90%. If your […]

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Eating For Better Health – Vitamins

We hear about vitamins all the time but have you ever stopped to ask yourself, what is a vitamin? The technical answer to this question is that a vitamin is an organic chemical compound – or related set of compounds – that cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by our bodies and so must be obtained from the foods we eat. Whew! That’s some definition. But the simple way to put it is that vitamins are things […]

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Eating For Better Health – Proteins

There are certain foods that the body needs to have, without them you are going to end up with major health problems down the road. Jason Vale from ‘The Juice Master’ refers to them as ‘the six essential dietary needs’ and says, “The human body has six primary dietary needs, each as important as the other. A deficiency in any one of them can cause havoc to the intricate workings of the body so all are essential […]

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Eating For Better Health – Minerals

Minerals are also an important component of our diets. They form critical structural elements, control the action of our muscles and nerves, buffer the pH (acidity) of our cells and extracellular fluids. They make up only a small percentage or our body weight – about 5% – but the role they play in our bodies is significant and we could not live without them. There are essential mineral  “elements” or essential “mineral elements” that we must get […]

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Eating For Better Health – Fats

Getting the right amount of fats is also critical to our well-being. Fats provide us with energy. In fact, gram for gram, fats are the most efficient source of food energy. Every single gram of fat provides nine calories of energy. In comparison, carbohydrates and proteins provide only four calories. Fats help build healthy cells and, believe it or not, fats build brains as they provide the structural components of cell membranes in the brain, and contribute […]

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Reasons for a Detox Diet

Maybe you have read a lot of articles discussing detox diets, its efficiency as well as its drawbacks. And because of the many write ups that you have read about it, you are now confused as to whether or not you should try this regimen. Some articles may have written that it is very effective and with just a few days, you will lose several pounds. Some articles, on the other hand, may tell you that this […]

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A Detoxification Diet Plan

A detoxification diet, is a specialized diet plan that you use only for a short amount of time.  Its purpose is to rid your body of accumulated toxins.  It is often used by people who have alcohol or drug problems but can also be useful for eliminating the environmental toxins that are so present in society today. The main objective of this diet is basically to create more waste products, which cleanses the colon. This detox diet […]

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3 Simple Steps To Detox Your Body

We all live in a highly toxic world, even our own homes are covered in toxins that we may not be aware of. Paints, solvents, wood preservatives, foam formaldehyde in sofas and mattresses, carpets and even bedding are all sources of highly toxic chemicals that can leave us with a variety of symptoms. These toxins build up in the body and if we do not know how to get rid of them they can cause more complicated […]

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